Wednesday, May 18, 2011

1. Friedrich Nietzsche Sucked

Here's why he sucked:

Friedrich Nietzsche was a blithering, mean-spirited, crazy  philosopher. This loser spent his life trying to prove to everyone who would listen that God is dead and that men can all rise to the level of the Ubermensch/Superman. He repeatedly stated that women are only for sex and Christians are wimps who have it all wrong. He thought that might makes right. He wrote a load of senseless drivel. Most people believed he was insane before he proved them right and completely lost his marbles. The last ten years of his life were spent shitting himself and babbling like an idiot in between strokes. Nietzsche hated Jews but didn't have the courage to just come out and say it. Hitler LOVED Nietzsche. Hitler probably had the crazy idea that he WAS the superman that Nietzsche said a man could be and thus did whatever he wanted.

Because his daddy died, he hated God. 
Because he liked penis, he had no use for a woman.
Because society didn't accept homosexual activity, he was unable to express himself sexually. 
Because he couldn't express himself sexually, he was bitter.
Because he saw women as useless, he focused his bitterness on them.
See, it's because he couldn't get laid. That's why he hated women. 

This guy actually has followers? Some so-called intellectuals think Nietzsche was the most important thinker of the 19th Century. I'm not kidding. Even as politically incorrect as his tripe is, we still have people reading his garbage. In our universities there is a special group of losers that are into this foolishness. These lazy, untalented bastards see philosophy as a way to sound cool, smart and important without actually having to do a damn thing. Any moderately sharp douchebag can call himself a 'philosopher'! "Look at me! I'm smart and important! Really I am! You should listen to me because I can explain things to you. I read Nietzsche!".  Oooooo, ahhhhh, eeeeeeee! 

A woman who actually pays attention to this loser must have a SERIOUS self esteem problem. Over and over he dismisses women as being distractions and worthless. This guy was SOOOO clearly a misogynist, yet he is rewarded with a level of devotion that borders cult-like worship. Why not go all the way and join the Manson family? Charlie found women more useful than Fred did. 

Now some quotes:
"Woman is not yet capable of friendship: women are still cats and birds or at best cows."

"Woman has always conspired with the types of decadence"

"Let woman be a plaything... The happiness of man is: I will. The happiness of woman is: he wills... You are going to woman? Do not forget the whip!"

Fred Nietzsche SUCKED! Thus spoke me.


  1. Nietzche was both progressive and regressive for his time. Keep in mind most people took Darwinism to scary levels then and liberal democracy was viewed as a failing system. Today Nietzche is erroneously viewed as an individualist and is adored by rebellious people and teenagers worldwide. But he was in favor of autocracy, aristocracy, the caste system, and the wholesale slaughter of much of the human population. While his ideas on religion's "slave morality" are pretty provocative and he makes some valid points, he represents the world in such dualistic terms that its hard not to cackle here at there as he presents arguments for "strong vs. weak" and brute force with an air of bombastic pseudo-sophistication. He was an aesthetician of violence and exploitation, he was pro-slavery and subjugation, and believed that all of humanity and animals are locked in an eternal struggle in which mercy and compassion had no place. He was right in that people are losing the concept of gods in the face of technology and science, but wrong in his belief that the strong have a right to dominate the weak and especially, dangerously wrong when he said that instincts are the most powerful form of intelligence. Instincts are very primitive and relying on snap judgments, emotions, and "intuition" makes people go horribly wrong most of the time. And while he would have disagreed with the Nazis on anti-semitism and racism, his entire philosophy gave birth to MANY of the ideologies of the Nazis. Namely, Nietzche was a collectivist, he believed in the magnificence and essentiality of war, he believed in might and deception, he believed in the ridding of guilt and conscience when suppressing the weak as he believed their subjugation was a biological, Darwinian inevitability, he believed that trade and economic liberalism were damaging, he was anti-intellectual, believed in strong government, the ridding of conscience and replacement of it with the opposite values to form a new "non-slave" conscience, and he believed in state regulation of marriage and sex, and eugenics. The Nazis believed all of that and made the Hitler Youth read some of his work. Not much room to counter argue for the Nietzche apologists.

  2. Adding to the popularization of Nietzschian philosophy was Gene Roddenberry's "Andromeda". Here we are presented with a a subset of homo sapiens genetically modified, with a culture "based" on Nietzsche's principles. It is interesting to note that the misogyny of Nietzsche is absent or at the least muted, as in later seasons it is discovered that they revere not only their male progenitor, but a founding matriarch as well. Also, when a "Nietzschian" would give their name, both parents are named as well in order to confirm strength of bloodline (i.e. Tyr Anazazi, out of Victoria by Barbarossa). This could be construed as relegating their women to mere breeding stock, but further exposition shows that while there are no such things as equals in this fictional culture, the women have the potential to suborn male counterparts based on the "prove yourself superior" mentality.

  3. I am unable to relate to, therefore unable to analyze Nietzsche.

  4. Nietzsche was a blend of retarded babble sprinkled with a dash of insight. The stuff of insight was largely borrowed from Kierkegaard, who is much more credible and much less shit (though I'd rub my ass on most people, really, so don't think I reverse a single clothes ape crawling the surface and howling like a moron).

    Anyway, I have to point out that you make a curious case. You claim on the one hand that Nietzsche found women useless, but then claim that he found them to be only as good as something (not really a someone) to have sex with. Now, wouldn't that make women useful as sex objects?

    Now, here's another curious bit. When you claim that Nietzsche was merely acting out of a frustration of not getting laid, are you saying that as yourself, or as himself? That is, if you never got laid (I don't know that you do or don't, nor do I care, but regardless), would you behave as Nietzsche did? If so, would that not imply that YOU are in fact a creepy woman hater with emotional issues, reducing women to an object of lust and consequently relief? Telling, very telling. Saying that a woman is for sex cannot be justified no matter how many other "qualities" you stack on top of that. Your fundamental view is shit.

    Now, do you claim that, if intrinsic homosexuality exists, and a homosexual doesn't receive the penis, does he become bitter with women? Doesn't seem to follow. Why would he be bitter with women if they aren't the object of his desire? More likely, women, or some weird idea he has of women, is the object of his desire, a desire frustrated by his fear of them, a desire that is nothing short of lust, and thus an object that becomes (in his mind) a source of pain. He lusts what he fears, and from here we get the misogyny (Yoda said it well: fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to HOMOSEXUALITY). Homosexuality is likely to be his response to his deluded idea of women, of human nature, of himself. It's likely to be THE major reason it exists at all. I bet his mother was a feminist, that poor child. And maybe German society was just too mob-like, I don't know.

    The ideas he had right to some degree were ripped off other authors (Kierkegaard: ressentiment, for example, but his grasp of Greek history and the like was pretty weak, and his understanding of Christianity pitiful. He hated pity (probably because he misunderstood it), but if there's anyone who merits pity, if he merits anything at all, it's Nietzsche.

    J Valjean: You're right, he wasn't an anti-semite in any real sense (he issued a polemic against Wagner for his distaste for Jews, and supposedly broke off their friendship for that reason, although I can hardly think it was BECAUSE of his anti-semitism as such, but rather for his preoccupation with something Nietzsche had no particular interest in). Whether he was a collectivist may depend on the interpretation. Kaufmann would probably disagree, claiming that he was an individualist par excellence, although his obsession with rank and subordination of others seems to hint at a a concept of social unity based on domination of others, but not collectivism.

  5. Dear Bob The Chef, the statement isn't curious at all! You're attempting to either turn this insult I've levied against Fred against me or you're simply reading too much into it. I am not a creepy woman hater. I make no creepy woman hater comments. Fred made LOTS and LOTS of "woman hater" comments. Even if I were like Fred, you simply can't really suggest that all people with a similar outlook on a single subject are all driven to the same conclusion. You're being silly. Maybe that's what you're going for. If so, good for you, I see the humor! If not, You're way off. My fundamental view isn't shit. I have revealed no fundamental view! I am simply trolling for people who like Fred! I think Fred was a loser who had a screwed up way of looking at the world and WAY too many people waste their time reading his tripe.

  6. There are no quotes by Hitler even mentioning Nietzsche.

    I will agree that Nietzsche's a very overrated thinker, though his brutality can be a breath of fresh air.

    I don't despise the man himself, so much as his liberal apologists.

  7. Nietzsche continues to be a curse upon all seeking to understand the nature of our reality. Go on the internet and type in recurrence and all you see is Nietzsche and more Nietzsche. He didn't understand how recurrence works, didn't spell out the three types of recurrence, and didn't conclude the correct type of recurrence. He stuck to the classical and false concept of recurrence in a Samsara way of circular time instead of breaking free and teaching of a multiverse in linear time. That I have to undo everything he has done to frustrate understanding pisses me off to no end. Fuck Nietzsche and the memory of him.

  8. Was the parts of his work that sound like he is batshit crazy due to the syphillis he got from all the whores he fucked?
