Thursday, September 1, 2011

7. DWTS, Cher and Chaz/Chastity Bono Suck.

1. Dancing With The Stars sucks! I mean, what stars? I've never heard of half of these losers. Chaz Bono is a star? Really? Remember that movie Chaz was in? Neither do I.
Remember that TV show Chaz was in? Neither do I. Remember that song Chaz sang? Neither do I. What did Chaz do? Chaz has only one claim to fame. Chaz is a tranny with famous parents. That's it. End of list. Dancing With The Stars has never drawn a big name and never will. Because of the lack of anyone famous, they have resorted to using a carney freak.

2. Cher sucks! This bitch has had more plastic surgery than Michael Jackson. If MJ was straight, they would have made a nice couple. Listen, if some guys found her super-whore image sexy, then that's fine, but wearing a minidress when you're 65 is just disgusting. It's like "hey, look at me! I'm a senior citizen and I still dress like a total slut! Cool? No.

3. Chaz Bono sucks! Hey look, if you want to be a tranny then that's okay with me. I believe that everyone should have the right to do whatever they want as long as they aren't hurting anyone. If gay people want to marry each other, I have no problem with it. If you want to be a tranny, do your thing, but don't expect me to not notice if you if you are not pulling it off. You see, men and women are shaped differently. Fact. Sorry, but men are wider at the shoulders and narrower at the hips than women are. It's a fact. Women are narrower at the shoulders and wider at the hips than men. Fact. If you are a male tranny trying to pass for a chick and you end up looking like a dude in drag, people are going to stare. GET USED TO IT! If you are an ugly fat female tranny trying to pass for a man, people are going to stare. If you are a talentless, fat, ugly female tranny trying to pass for a man, you have famous parents and you want to giggle your fat on TV, well then people like me are going to laugh to you and comment about it on the internet.

Monday, July 25, 2011

6. Amy Winehouse Sucked.

That's right she sucked. Seriously. I know what you're thinking. You're thinking that I have no sympathy, but you're wrong. I do have sympathy. I have sympathy for children who have awful diseases that they didn't ask for. I feel badly for people that have suffered tragedies that they did nothing to bring upon themselves. Amy Winehouse asked for what she got. That stupid bimbo fucked her own life up. She had NOBODY to blame for her problems other than herself. Supposedly, she had some talent. Good for her. Some people liked her voice and she made money. She decided somewhere along the road that it would be a good idea to get screwed up on drugs. I heard that she was on horse tranquilizer, crack and heroin when she finally gave up the ghost. Amy Winehouse does not deserve anyone's tears. She sucked.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

5. Nike and Michael Vick Suck.

When Nike took all the production jobs out of America and sent them to third world Asian sweatshops, I knew Nike was bad. When they bought Converse and shut down the factory that made Chuck Taylor All-Stars here in North Carolina, I was pretty pissed off. Now, Nike has shown us all exactly what kind of God-damn sons of bitches run their fucking evil God-damn company. They have signed Michael Vick to sell their sweatshop shoes.

Of course the people who want to boycott Nike are being called racists. The way Michael Vick tortured these animals doesn't matter at all. He did a few months in some low security prison and now he has supposedly "paid his debt". Now he's fresh and clean. Anyone who opposes him must be a racist because he is black. Personally, I don't think that the color of his skin mattered to the dogs he tortured to death for entertainment. The color of his skin certainly doesn't matter to me. I think that the white guys who engage in bullfighting are evil too. They don't have contracts with Nike and they don't do that shit in the U.S.A. If they did, they would get boycotted too.

 I hope that the people in charge of Nike, that have taken over 30,000 jobs out of America, all get bowel cancer. I can only hope that when Vick dies, and the sooner the better, it's slow and very painful. Fuck you Nike and fuck you Michael Vick, you're a lousy excuse for a human being. You go to hell.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

4. Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee of Texas Sucks

This is why she sucks:

1. She is SO fucking stupid she thought that the Mars pathfinder should have taken a picture of "the flag that Neil Armstrong left there in 1969". No I'm not kidding.

2. She is a mean spirited bitch from hell that abuses her staff by calling them names like "stupid mother fucker" repeatedly.

3. She sometimes refers to herself in third person and quotes herself.

4. She is arrogant, aggressive and extremely ignorant. This is a dangerous combination. People actually vote for this fool.

Not only does she suck, but the idiots who keep sending her to Washington suck too.

Here's a quote for you:

"Today, we have two Vietnams; side-by-side, North and South, exchanging and working. We may not agree with all that North Vietnam is doing, but they are living in peace. I would look for a better human rights record for North Vietnam, but they are living side by side. Because that was a civil war, and because the leadership of this nation did not listen to the mothers and fathers who beared...bore the burden of 58,000 dead and did not declare victory; the mounting deaths; the violence continued going up and up, rather than understanding the political nature of the war in Vietnam, we did not listen to those families."

Friday, May 20, 2011

3. Pope Benedict XVI Ratzinger Sucks

Here's why he sucks:

1. The clergy are there to help people. They serve God by helping people.
They are supposed to put the needs of the people ahead of their own.
Ratzinger, along with a bunch of other assholes, put themselves ahead of the people who counted on them and trusted them. Instead of turning pedophile priests over to the police, they sent them to other parishes were they continued molesting kids. He was concerned that if they turned the pedophile priests over to the police that it would make the church (clergy) look bad. He cared more for reputation than the safety of children. Do you know what this means? It means that Ratzinger is an evil bastard.

2. Ratzinger continues the dogma that condom use is a sin. This is particularly bad considering how many cheating husbands infect their wives with aids because they think that using a condom is a bigger sin than cheating. Maybe they think that cheating is bad enough, but using a condom too? That's just too much sinning. Who knows how many people contract aids because the church in Rome has them believing that God doesn't want them to use condoms. Do you know what this means? It means Ratzinger is an evil bastard. Ratzinger sucks.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

2. People With Loud Motorcycles Suck

Here's why they suck:

They are distracting! They are annoying. The noise drowns out the music I'm listening to in my car. Some bikes aren't that loud. I think that the bastards with loud bikes use certain noisy mufflers on purpose because they think they will get noticed and reduce their chances of getting hit. Trust me guys, that loud sound makes us WANT to hit you! You motomorons ride around like you own the road all bunched up together with all your bikes raising a cacophony that could drown out an ACDC concert. They should pass a law that says once one of your stupid bikes passes a certain decibel, you get fined and you go to jail. Why? Because that's what jackasses like you people deserve. You suck.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

1. Friedrich Nietzsche Sucked

Here's why he sucked:

Friedrich Nietzsche was a blithering, mean-spirited, crazy  philosopher. This loser spent his life trying to prove to everyone who would listen that God is dead and that men can all rise to the level of the Ubermensch/Superman. He repeatedly stated that women are only for sex and Christians are wimps who have it all wrong. He thought that might makes right. He wrote a load of senseless drivel. Most people believed he was insane before he proved them right and completely lost his marbles. The last ten years of his life were spent shitting himself and babbling like an idiot in between strokes. Nietzsche hated Jews but didn't have the courage to just come out and say it. Hitler LOVED Nietzsche. Hitler probably had the crazy idea that he WAS the superman that Nietzsche said a man could be and thus did whatever he wanted.

Because his daddy died, he hated God. 
Because he liked penis, he had no use for a woman.
Because society didn't accept homosexual activity, he was unable to express himself sexually. 
Because he couldn't express himself sexually, he was bitter.
Because he saw women as useless, he focused his bitterness on them.
See, it's because he couldn't get laid. That's why he hated women. 

This guy actually has followers? Some so-called intellectuals think Nietzsche was the most important thinker of the 19th Century. I'm not kidding. Even as politically incorrect as his tripe is, we still have people reading his garbage. In our universities there is a special group of losers that are into this foolishness. These lazy, untalented bastards see philosophy as a way to sound cool, smart and important without actually having to do a damn thing. Any moderately sharp douchebag can call himself a 'philosopher'! "Look at me! I'm smart and important! Really I am! You should listen to me because I can explain things to you. I read Nietzsche!".  Oooooo, ahhhhh, eeeeeeee! 

A woman who actually pays attention to this loser must have a SERIOUS self esteem problem. Over and over he dismisses women as being distractions and worthless. This guy was SOOOO clearly a misogynist, yet he is rewarded with a level of devotion that borders cult-like worship. Why not go all the way and join the Manson family? Charlie found women more useful than Fred did. 

Now some quotes:
"Woman is not yet capable of friendship: women are still cats and birds or at best cows."

"Woman has always conspired with the types of decadence"

"Let woman be a plaything... The happiness of man is: I will. The happiness of woman is: he wills... You are going to woman? Do not forget the whip!"

Fred Nietzsche SUCKED! Thus spoke me.